Telemark Telemark Telemark does it matter about Technique?

Telemark Technique does it matter?

Basically No! (BUT!)

"The beauty of telemark is the fact that we telemarkers aren't as hung up on technique as those alpiners and we can do what the heck we want?"

A quote by some famous telemark dude!!

To some extent this is great telemark philosophy and thats where it ends if we actually want to improve and become better.

I like to think of the process of good technique and bad technique as efficient and not efficient skiing this kinda fit's in with the Telemark philosophy but doesn't overly mention technique?

So what's wrong with mentioning technique?

This may come from various sources:-
So does it matter?

No if you don't want to improve or improve quickly and Yes if you want to improve or become more efficient!

So whether you ride your telemarks in a long or a short stance it really doesn't matter but if you want to become more efficient then it's worth learning some technique.

I will post more blogs through the season on technique and if your not bothered in becoming more effcient then don't read the blogs!!

Here's hoping for an awesome season



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