Currently there are no ski crampons for the new NTN freedom bindings and with our main winter business ski guiding I was sick of carrying normal boot crampons and with a ski mountaineering trip to the Alps coming up I thought it was time to come up with some homemade crampons!!
After my first attempt of ski crampons for the NTN freeride being a bit useless (but they kind of worked?) I thought I best make an effort on this set up and thankfully Dynafit have an easy solution which can be fitted to any ski virtually.
I took the riser/ski crampon plate from the dynafit TLT system and chopped the back off it that holds the guide for the crampon and fit this directly behind the front NTN binding plate.
Then I just needed to get a ski crampon that was the right width to fit between the ski brakes but just wide enough to fit over the skis, Dynafit do a range of sizes to fit different widths.
Also so that the ski crampon would fit flat to the ski the pink plate that stops the boot moving sideways when the foot is in the front position had to be removed, however I've noticed no difference in performance.
The crampons work really well, so well in fact I'm sure you will see Rottefella use this design errrrrrrr Maybe!
Mike Gale
Labels: binding, freedom, G3, Harcheisen, ntn, rottafella ntn harscheisen, Scarpa, ski crampon for NTN freedom